An Internal Drainage Board (IDB) is a local public authority that manages water levels. They are an integral part of managing flood risk and land drainage within areas of special drainage need in England and Wales. Each IDB has permissive powers to undertake work to provide water level management within their Internal Drainage District (IDD), undertaking works to reduce flood risk to people and property and manage water levels for local needs. Much of their work involves the maintenance of rivers, drainage channels, outfalls and pumping stations, facilitating drainage of new developments and advising on planning applications. They also have statutory duties with regard to the environment.

Today, there are 112 IDBs in Great Britain, 109 in England and 3 in Wales (2 IDBs cross the border). IDBs cover 1.2 million hectares of England (9.7% of England’s total land area) and 28,500 hectares of Wales (1.4% of the Wales’ total land area).

What do IDBs do? (click to watch YouTube video)

Essential maintenance using a pontoon and 3 machines to remove silt build up in front of Hobhole Pumping Station:


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For more information about our services or district call us

01205 310 088

Mon – Thu: 08:00 – 16:30
Fri: 08:00 – 16:00