Storm Babet – Information for local residents
As you will be aware Storm Babet has had a significant effect on our Drainage network in the Witham Fourth District IDB over the weekend with over 90mm of rainfall received. Forecasts indicate some unsettled weather later in the week, but we are working to minimise the impact of this.
Our current priority is focussing our efforts on pumping and getting levels down. We have pumping crews on 24 hours shifts and our District Operatives are working round sites ensuring waterways are kept free of blockages so the water can reach the two main pump stations, and this will be the case for the next few days.
We are taking a significant number of calls and emails, and these are being logged on our Incident Log with staff working on prioritising responses based on risk. We appreciate your patience as we work through the events and enquiries that are being raised with us. Please note we don’t we don’t have pumps spare to issues to private individuals.
If you have experienced internal flooding to your property, please contact Lincolnshire County Council via Fix my Street and they can investigate Flooding occurrences – for more information please visit: Flood Investigations. East Lindsey District Council’s website contains lots of useful information on flooding and how to recover from a flood – please click here.
If you think your home is about to flood or you need emergency assistance, PLEASE CALL 999 for the emergency services.
Please note that the East and West Fen Catchwaters are Main Rivers, maintained by the Environment Agency who can be contacted on 0345 988 1188 for any issues on these watercourses.
Unfortunately, during these extreme events we are unable to spare engineering staff to survey individual property issues until after the event subsides.
Thank You.